
Frequently Asked Questions

What file types can L&R convert?

The easiest and most popular format is a Word document. Upload your story in Word .doc or .docx format, and we’ll convert it into an ebook. RTF should work fine, too. Anything Word can read, we can read.

What if I don't need conversion? Can I just upload a formatted epub?

If you already have an epub of your own, we’ll accept that as well. We won’t make any changes, but we’ll gladly distribute it to all our digital stores for you.

What file types does L&R create?

Our conversion process creates a beautiful, high-quality epub for us to distribute to your choice of digital stores.  You’ll also have access to a similarly beautiful .mobi and PDF.

What if there are problems with my book?

We’ve got you covered. After all, we’re famous for our customer service. You can call our support line and talk to a real human being during our regular business hours, or send us an email any time.

What's it going to cost me to get a beautiful paperback?

We’re confident our generated paperback files will impress the majority of users. Just download your PDF and take a look. (If you have more complicated requirements or desire more hands-on control, we’ll still work with you at no charge, but the process will take longer.)

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